What does the Sunglasses Emoji mean on Snapchat

What does the Sunglasses Emoji mean on Snapchat?

Snapchat, the land of disappearing messages and silly filters, also has its own unique way of showing how close you are with your friends. Those little emojis next to usernames hold a secret meaning, and sometimes, they can leave us scratching our heads. But worry not, fellow Snapper! Today, we’re decoding the mystery of the sunglasses emoji

Ever seen this cool cat appear beside someone’s name? It might not mean you’re BFFs with them just yet, but it definitely indicates a fun connection. Let’s dive in and see what the sunglasses emoji really signifies!

Shades of Friendship: The Meaning Behind the Sunglasses Emoji

The sunglasses emoji on Snapchat signifies a mutual friend. In other words, you and the person you see it next to share a common best friend on Snapchat. Pretty cool, right? It’s like a virtual high five saying, “Hey, we both know this awesome person!”

Here’s how it works: Snapchat uses an algorithm to determine your best friends based on who you send the most snaps to and how frequently you chat. The sunglasses emoji pops up when you and another user have the same person high up on your respective “Best Friends” lists.

Why Sunglasses?

One can only guess why Snapchat chose sunglasses for this particular friend emoji. Maybe it represents the cool factor of having a friend in common, or perhaps it signifies a shared sense of mystery (those shades hide a lot, after all!). Whatever the reason, it adds a fun and lighthearted touch to your Snapchat friendships.

The Spectrum of Snapchat Emojis: Beyond Sunglasses

The sunglasses emoji is just one of the many emojis you’ll see on Snapchat next to your friends’ usernames. Each emoji represents a different level of friendship based on your Snap interactions. Here’s a quick rundown of some other common Snapchat emojis:

  • Smiling face : This means you’re simply friends with this person.
  • Smirking face : This one can be a bit tricky. It signifies that you’re one of this person’s best friends, but they don’t have you on their best friends list (ouch!).
  • Grimacing face : This emoji appears when you and another user share a best friend, but not the same one you see with the sunglasses emoji.
  • Gold Star : Congratulations! This emoji indicates a Snapstreak with this friend, meaning you’ve snapped each other for consecutive days.
  • Yellow Heart , Red Heart, and Pink Hearts : These emojis represent different stages of a “best friend streak” based on how long you’ve Snapped each other back and forth.

So, You See the Sunglasses Emoji. Now What?

Seeing the sunglasses emoji is a great conversation starter! Here are some ways you can use it to your advantage:

  • Bond with your mutual friend: Use this as an opportunity to connect with the person you share a best friend with. Strike up a conversation, ask about them, and see if you have any other interests in common!
  • Strengthen your connection: The sunglasses emoji shows you have a pre-existing bond. Use this chance to send more snaps, share funny stories, or start a group chat with your mutual friend.
  • Expand your Snapchat circle: If you haven’t already, add your mutual friend! This can help you build a wider network on Snapchat and discover new people to connect with.

Read Also: What Does IMY Mean on Snapchat

The Bottom Line: is for Shared Connections

The sunglasses emoji on Snapchat is a friendly nudge that you and someone else have a cool connection through a mutual friend. It’s a chance to build new friendships, strengthen existing ones, and add a little more fun to your Snapping experience. So, the next time you see those shades pop up, don’t hesitate to reach out and say hi! You might just discover a new Snapchat bestie along the way.

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